Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sida Luhur

Motives beginning with sida (read sido) is a motif that many groups made the batik. The word "eunuch" itself means so / be / happen. Thus, the motives beginning with "eunuch" contains the hope that what is desired bias is achieved. Sublime Sida meaningful motifs hope to achieve a high position, and can be a role model of society.


Kawung batik patterned orb-like fruit Kawung (a type of palm or sometimes also considered as fruit and fro) geometrically arranged neatly. Sometimes, this motif also be interpreted as drawing lotus flower (lotus) with four leaves blossoms. Lotus is a flower that symbolizes longevity and purity. Usually motives Kawung named after his great-round-oval shape that is contained in a particular motif. For example: Kawung Picis is kawung motif composed by a small circle shape. Picis is a coin worth ten cents, which is small. While Kawung Bribil kawung motifs are composed of larger form than kawung Picis. This is consistent with bribil name, the currency that looks bigger than picis and worth half a penny. While kawung round-oval shape is greater than Kawung Bribil called Kawung.


Pringgondani is the name of a place to stay knight Gatotkaca  Werkudara son. This motif is usually displayed in dark colors like blue indigo (indigo blue) and Soga-brown, and full of small tendrils interspersed with dragon.

Sekar Jagad

Batik Sekar Jagad is one of Indonesian batik motifs. This motif implies beauty so that others who look to be fascinated. There's also assume that the motive Sekar Jagad actually comes from the word "Kar Jagad" are taken from the Java language (Kar = map; Jagad = world), so that this motif also symbolizes diversity worldwide.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Mega Mendung

Batik Mega Mendung an identical batik artwork and even become an icon Cirebon batik and other Indonesian regions. This motif has peculiarities that are not found in other batik producing region. In fact, because only in Cirebon and is a masterpiece

Mega Mendung as a basic motif of batik is well known to many countries. As proof of his fame, the motive Mega Mendung never made the cover of a book published abroad batik entitled Batik Design, the work of a Dutch named Pepin van Roojen. The specificity motifs Mega Mendung not only on the motive in the form of an image resembling a cloud with colors firmly, but also the values ​​of the philosophy contained in his motives. It is closely related to the overall history of the birth in Cirebon batik.

Monday, April 6, 2015


Batik Jlamprang or in Yogyakarta with Nitik name is one that is quite popular batik produced in Krapyak Pekalongan. This is a development of batik motifs from Indian Potola geometric shaped or star-shaped eyes sometimes wind and using the twig ends rectangular. Jlamprang is immortalized as one of the streets in Pekalongan.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Batik Buketan

Pekalongan Batik. The most famous Pesisir Batik production area is the town of Pekalongan in Central Java province. Compared to other pesisir batik production centers, the batik production houses in this town is the most thriving. Batik Pekalongan was influenced by both Dutch-European and Chinese motifs, for example the buketan motifs was influenced by European flower bouquet.